Ecommerce Infographics
I devised these infographics as a running series, to catalogue and visually display data gathered around the performance of ASDA.com. New issues were created every three months and were displayed internally, as well as being distributed to the wider company.

Multi-Destination Honeymoons
This campaign required a more elegant touch. The brief involved creating assets to tap into and promote the burgeoning trend of multi-destination honeymoons.

The Art Of Haggling
This campaign involved displaying tips and advice regarding bartering abroad, specifically in popular holiday destinations. In order to display different techniques for haggling in each location, I devised a collection of ‘Top Trump’ style cards to hold bitesize bits of information, accompanying written content. The cards were displayed amongst the destination’s local signifiers.

Ecommerce Guidelines
This is a project I devised and implemented within my role at ASDA head office. In essence, the task involved condensing a large amount of information, rules and regulations into a user-friendly, visually appealing and effective, style and user guide.